Awesome Tips to Help Heal Your New Piercing ...

By Hunaina

Awesome Tips to Help Heal Your New Piercing ...

Each body reacts differently to piercings and healing depends on several factors, such as the pierced spot, skin sensitivity, the tool used for piercing, and even the climate conditions. My mother, following her ancient remedial tips, never recommended piercings in hot or too-humid weather, as it takes time to heal. Apart from making sure that you get your piercings done by a professional, here are some basic tips on how to heal your new piercing:

1 Be Patient

It is normal for your body to react to such change, therefore swelling, a little bleeding, and bruising is absolutely normal. Be patient towards your body to accept this change and let it heal. The healing process usually takes up to 4-16 weeks.

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2 Don’t over-touch

As much as you are keen to touch your piercing over and over, you are rather slowing down the healing process. Fresh piercings are open and very prone to infections, therefore always wash your hands before touching.

3 Turn to Home Remedies

Instead of using topical gels, use easy and readily available items in your kitchen to heal your piercing. Make a paste out of turmeric powder and virgin coconut oil and using a cotton swab apply it on and around your piercing. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory effect and coconut oil will keep it moist and soothed.

4 Don’t Turn without Wetting

Old remedies teach us how turning the earring over and over speeds up the healing process- however, turning a dry ring/pin can cause bruising and bleeding. Always wet your piercing before turning your earring.

5 Load up on Vitamin C and Zinc

Avocados, oranges, kiwis, and berries are an excellent source of vitamin c and zinc. Load up on this particular nutrients to heal any bruise

6 Pay Attention

It is normal for any piercing to swell, bruise, and bleed, however excessive bleeding or unbearable pain should not be ignored. See a physician if there is abnormal swelling or bleeding.

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