DIY Watches are great projects for those who like accessories that are truly unique. I have gathered here wonderful DIY watches that are not only beautiful, they are fun to make, too. In fact, I am thinking of doing at least 3 of these** wristwatch tutorials**. Hope you like these!
Snapshot Survey
1. Leather
Can you believe that this is a handmade watch? The leatherwork looks professional, doesn't it? If you think that this DIY watch is very hard to make, you're dead wrong. In fact, this requires only a few materials and even fewer steps.
2. Wrap Vinyl
Hmm I actually have all the materials needed to make this watch, including that same exact face. The factories of this brand are located in my city. For those who want a watch that is unique and looks pretty, this is the perfect DIY.
3. Fabric Swatch
If you still have your old Pop Swatches, this is the tutorial that will help you give them a new life. Take them to your watch guy, buy them new batteries, and make these pretty fabric straps for them. I like this idea because it's a great excuse to dip into your fabric stash.
4. Scarf
This particular DIY watch tutorial doesn't involve complicated steps. In fact, you will need only a watch face and a beautiful scarf. You loop the scarf through the strap hooks of the watch, wrap it around your wrist and done! The best part about this is the fact that you can "make" as many as you want. I reckon vintage handkerchiefs will work, too.
5. Charmed
How chic! There are similar watches sold in stores but they cost a pretty penny. You can now officially stop saving for one because you can DIY your own version. I think this will be my next jewelry project. After I hit publish, I will go out and find a skinny belt. And that rivet kit because I will take any excuse to buy craft tools.
6. Ruffled Fabric
Like the 3rd DIY watch tutorial we featured here, this one will call for your sewing prowess. Don't worry, this pretty strap is easy to make. As a matter of fact, this can be one of your very first sewing projects!
7. Suede Cord
I find this** handmade watch** very pretty. The inspiration for this DIY project is a designer watch that costs more than $800. For those who don't want to injure their savings, this is a wonderful project to try.I suggest using lobster clasps, by the way.
8. Braided Fabric
Want to save $68? Forget that pretty Anthropologie braided fabric watch and make your own. I say you go the DIY route because you will have control over the fabric to use. You can even use a prettier watch face, as Christina did here.
9. Safety Pin
If you rock at beading, this is a pretty watch that you can make. This colorful one is cute but I think something with all-black beads will be fab.
Aren't these DIY watches delightful? These are wonderful craft projects for those who like to copy designer or pricey items sold in stores. These handmade watches are also great for those who are looking to make one-of-a-kind accessories. Hope you make something nice out of these watch tutorials!